Six key points that affect SEO article ranking! Simple but important

Gloria 0 2024-03-21 Hot Topic

Six key points that affect SEO article ranking! Simple but important

Search engine optimization article ranking and website traffic has a huge relationship, seize these 6 key points, seo services singapore even without website code, you can use a simple way to quickly improve Google search ranking!

Today, Google already has 2021 AI algorithms that are getting better and better at serving the average person. Google hopes that SEO is not a competition for network architecture, but a competition for content quality.

In order to protect creators' quality content, google is not going to let programmers crowd out content creators. After all, the google enterprise is full of program management geniuses, and they must have a way to prevent this from happening, right?

So basically, as long as you ensure that your website has a basic SEO framework, then all efforts should be put into the output of content, optimization, so that crawlers like your website more and more, the ranking will be better and better.

There are many SEO projects, so what questions can we do to improve learning efficiency?

Based on my years of experience, I think the ratio is:

1. Meta title, meta description and journal (30%)

2. Traffic, length of stay and bounce rate of this page (40%)

Seo related code Engineering architecture (30%)

Many people focus so much on code optimization that they forget that Google search is about giving people "useful content", so the first two are the most important. Not only are they relatively easy, they're also more effective!

SEO article 6 key points

1. Meta title, meta description

These two words are not set, the article must be SEO hemorrhaging.

Be sure to set up these two items, and try to write the key technical keywords in the first 25 words. A title or description that mentions key words is considered highly developmentally relevant. But we do not appear to overlap too many keywords, but it may be punished!

Each article, at least 600-1200 words per page, text and graphics.

The number of words per page should not be too small or less than one image, otherwise it may be judged as insufficient content.

According to my experience, usually need to learn a related research analysis article in 600-800 words, attached to a picture, there will be a good SEO effect, if you have more in-depth content, 1000-1200 words is also because we teachers can.

Add 2-4 pictures or videos, this will let Google think that your content is rich and good, can further enhance the SEO effect, but pay attention to the size of the image file, be sure to compress the size, otherwise the file fat will lead to page overload and penalty points.

3. Complete alt Settings, small files and fast developing images are loaded.

The Alt value of an image is easy to forget, but it is an important basis for Google Image Search.

ALT stands for alternate text, which means that when an image fails, Google will display ALT as alternate text. Images can also be set with relevant keywords to enhance the overall relevance of the article. Also, remember to compress the picture, do not upload a few megabytes of large pictures, this will make the picture very slow! The image size is best under 200KB, and the image width should not exceed 1000px to speed up the loading speed!

Four, font size, title H1, URL, wait for clean code

Usually a complete blog architecture will automatically is introduced into the code u003c h1 u003e - u003c h6 u003e.

Please note that there can only be one "H1 >", this is because the main article is by title. If you're not doing a meta-header set, Google will usually choose "H1 >" instead of the meta-header itself, so this is important.

As for... h2 > to h6 > It's usually good not to spend too much time here. The size of the article is based on the reader's reading experience, and the easier it is to read, the better the quality of the article. The URL can be set in English as much as possible, at least we will not appear random code on it.

5. User experience/user interface for reading on phones and computers (especially mobile phones)

More than 70% of modern people use mobile phones to surf the Internet, so any aspect of the website should try to take the experience of the mobile phone group as a consideration, so your article may be easy to read on the computer board, but if the reading experience of the mobile phone board is poor, it will definitely deduct a lot of points. So now there are many RWDS (responsive web pages), just to satisfy users of mobile phone boards.

6. Constant updates

The constant frequency of updates is very important. Posting too many posts at once may be considered cheating by Google, while not updating for too long may be considered an unmaintained site. It is best to update "at least" 1-2 articles per week to ensure the quality of Google ratings. If you can afford to update daily, you can build a good relationship with search engines.

If you master the above six key points, you can achieve rapid growth and improve your SEO score without even touching the code. However, if the basic information of the enterprise website can not be satisfied with the above six main functions, it is necessary to find a website engineer to optimize as soon as possible, otherwise seriously learn to make articles and research content will be in vain!

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