equals an infinite extension of people's central nervous systems.

Silverdew 19 2023-03-10 Hot Topic

equals an infinite extension of people's central nervous systems.

"Today, after more than a century of electric technology, we have expanded our central nervous system to the globe.

Infinity is so far away that time and space have long been abolished in terms of our astral body's scope."

Marshall McLuhanicon (MARSHALLMcLUHAN) made best antminer the above quote in 1964, and it is so forward-thinking!

What he described may not have been possible in 1964, but in today's world, it is true, the ideal has long shone into reality, only not relying on the electrical system, but based on the Internet and intelligence, the natural bottom can be said to rely on the electrical system.

Our thoughts are converted into 101010 binary digital and radio wave signals, stored in the cloud computing network, and then transmitted 24 hours a day to every corner of this astral body.

In theory, everyone today can connect and exert influence with anyone in the world, regardless of time or space, thanks to the Internet and intelligence, and your ideas, insights, knowledge... Your thoughts, opinions, and knowledge can be shared globally.

"If a person has sufficient ideals, he can eventually reach the area he wants to reach no matter how far away it is, even if it is an extremely high mountain or an extremely vast sea, it cannot limit his forward movement," as a common saying goes.

Like the Tang monk's line of teachers and students who arrived at the Western Paradise after a thousand hardships and ninety-one difficulties in order to learn other people's ideas and bring them to the Great Tang for spreading, influencing millions of people.

At the time, the monk had to use his own body as a medium and travel long distances to reach the final destination; imagine if the Internet existed; would you still use that effort? Using intelligence, whether taking or sending, bitmain shop is possible without leaving the door.

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The cloud host is the key to digitalization, equivalent to the brain in the central nervous system, or why the cloud host has several core CPU (microprocessor) a say, put what we want to say to the world on the cloud host, Internet access, as connected to the nervous system, the two work closely together, 24 hours of sleepless preaching. Today, according to self-published media, we see some videos of the Indian master Saguru; however, if there is no Internet and you truly want to learn, do you have to travel over the mountains to India, as Tang monk teachers and students did at the time?

If we examine the scripture from the standpoint of today's business model, is it actually doing anything? To be honest, it is education and knowledge payment, only that they do not directly charge tuition fees, but after returning to China, they are rewarded for their success and their descendants burn incense and kowtow, which is the income they get from doing this.

Like studying abroad and then becoming a teacher to earn a high salary, everyone at home can learn the world's top universities online courses, only to learn the knowledge to complete the teaching process, the difference is whether you have the courage to disregard the diploma and go straight to the essence of knowledge?

If people have any superpowers, the Internet is one of them, with clairvoyance, clear hearing, and the value of overhead delivery long being a antminer price breeze. People have long been taken aback by all of this, ignoring the right and energy of intelligent communication. In fact, this is only the last ten years or so to have things, not to say far, just rewind twenty years, you can understand, have pronunciation pipe for ordinary people is how luxurious things are.

Only from a microscopic perspective can you gain a thorough understanding of the digital economy's function and power.

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