Sex is not one-dimensional, to see how many kinds of sexual pleasure

Janet 0 2023-11-29 Hot Topic


Sex life brings people the pleasure, is by no means just limited to sexual intercourse itself. Sex is not a single form of teaching, but can be colorful, which often involves four kinds of sexual pleasure,vibrating gspot rabbit learning and comprehensive practice use to carry out a variety of ways to manage, will make the quality of sex problem greatly improved.

Touch pleasure. Humans naturally love touch: babies love their mother's touch, children love a warm hug. Between partners, hugging, caressing and kissing each other can also bring warmth. For women who have never had an orgasm,the wand sex toy sexual fulfillment is not low because they may have been touched enough by their partner to enjoy the touch. On the other hand, women who have frequent orgasms sometimes complain that their partners don't put more effort into foreplay and post-coital caressing. Thus, in addition to the experience of orgasm, women also crave physically and mentally satisfying skin-to-skin contact.

Pleasure of touching genitals. The genitals of both sexes (including the female breasts and nipples) are very sensitive to touch. Whether or not they orgasm during subsequent sexual activity,vibarator for women effective stimulation of the genitals and breasts is important for sexual pleasure and satisfaction for most people. Orgasm itself is short-lived, but the touch stimulation received by the genitals can last for tens of minutes or even hours with very low energy consumption. Especially during the premarital courtship stage, when the partners have not yet progressed to substantive sex, their caressing of each other's bodies can be very important and highly satisfying.

Orgasmic pleasure. When human beings reach physiological sexual maturity, the congestion of the reproductive organs and the secretion of the gonads will give rise to a strong sexual impulse, which is the desire to release the desire to excrete, which complements the skin, and is the strongest kind of sexual pleasure. The orgasmic response can bring heightened pleasure and a sudden release of sexual tension.

The pleasure of giving and taking. We all know that a person can't just take without giving, and the same is true in a sexual relationship. While providing pleasure to the partner, the provider is bound to enjoy it himself. Neither the man nor the woman can accuse the other of not doing anything for them, but should first consider what they have done for the other. Only to deal with the relationship between give and take, the two sides of the sexual relationship can be harmonious and fulfilling.

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