What advantages will women gain from these three hairy areas? Women are advised to comprehend

Editha 13 2023-06-29 Hot Topic

Women should be aware

In fact, our body hair, hair, armpit hair, nose hair, all belong to a type of body hair, and for women, body hair, which belongs to a more distressing thing.

Especially in this season, when we need to show our legs and arms, if a girl's body hair is plump, she not only dare not wear skirts and shorts, but also cause a lot of embarrassment, and even affect her appearance, especially armpit hair more, and even dermes hairlesslift the arm to feel embarrassed.

If the body is full of body hair, such as beard growth and development is relatively fast, indicating that androgens through the secretion of strong male cultural charm.

However, if it is a woman, body hair is abundant, androgens are likely to be secreted more, even leading to some corporate women growing a moustache, which is embarrassing.

Although being hairy can cause women a lot of pain, it is not always a bad thing. For example, if a woman has more hair in these three areas, her body may reap numerous benefits.

What advantages will women gain from having more hair in these three areas? Women should be aware of the following.

First, consider armpit hair.

Some women will choose hair removal cream or shave directly with a blade if they have excessive armpit hair; indeed, excessive armpit hair will affect women's appearance.

In fact, the development of sweat glands in the armpits is closely related to the exuberance of armpit hair, and under the influence of external temperature or strenuous exercise, the armpits secrete a lot of sweat and discharge excess water from the body.

So, the more exuberant the armpit hair is in carrying out a certain degree of influence, it is also an dermesimportant manifestation of our body's stronger metabolic ability.

However, many women choose to shave their armpit hair for aesthetic reasons. This has the potential to affect sweat production, causing skin damage and bacterial growth that can be harmful to one's health.

Second, consider your hair.

Many women desire dark and beautiful hair. The most important thing, of course, is to have thick hair. Whatever type of hair they have, it will greatly improve their temperament and appearance.

To some extent, thick hair is also a sign of enough blood in the body, indicating healthier kidneys.

Women with thinning hair, a lot of hair loss, and dryness have insufficient qi and blood, as well as a weak immune system. At this time, they should focus on eating more nourishing foods to replenish qi and blood and alleviate hair loss.

Third, consider the brows.

Eyebrows are closely related to women's face value; if they do not have a problem with sparse brows, they will improve the density of their brows all day by analyzing various forms of methods.

And if your brows are thick, they are ideal for any type of brow grooming you do, and you can avoid the pain of brow tattooing.

At the same time, thick brows indicate that the body has enough Qi and blood. If the brows are sparse, or even non-existent, it indicates that the Qi and blood are weak. In this case, timely adjustments are required.

What are the negative consequences of women removing body hair forcibly?

The presence of body hair has a rationale and is also linked to health. If it is forcibly removed, it may have dermesnegative health consequences.

For example, removing brows is likely to cause students' eyes to lose their normal, easy to make dust bacteria into people's eyes, sweat is also easily flow into the eyes on the eyes is also caused by irreversible effects, blurred vision problems, and so on.

For example, after removing armpit hair, this part of the sweat glands developed, increasing friction between the skin, making it easy to cause damage to the skin under the armpit, aggravating the armpit smell, and making it difficult to repair.

Another example is leg hair, which I believe is more of a concern for many women. However, removing leg hair causes the legs to be unable to dissipate heat properly. You can avoid affecting the external beauty and face if you shave properly. If you are forced to pull out, you will stimulate the pores, which will lead to hair follicle infection and skin damage.

Especially for sensitive areas of the body, choose the trimming method to cut it short as much as possible; do not force it completely shaved, as this will cause bacterial infection.

What are the common side effects of shaving body hair?

Body hair shaved after we will have a serious impact on the entire social organism of the enterprise, because there is the secretion of toxins excretion of toxic substances, regulation of body temperature, lung gas or can regulate the role of electrolyte balance, but if students frequently shave body hair, these issues related to function will be affected by a series of state, some abnormalities, health education caused some impact.

In addition, improper shaving of sweat hair can result in local skin damage and folliculitis, resulting in local skin infection. So, to avoid irreversible skin damage, women should avoid shaving their body hair on a regular basis.

Pay attention to two details, hairy ladies.

1, use cosmetics with caution

In fact, there is a link between thick, fluffy hair and the quality of cosmetics.

Long-term use of chemical additives or cosmetics containing high hormone content can cause a lot of stimulation and damage to the skin surface, accelerating the growth of subcutaneous hair follicles, causing the hair to grow thicker and thicker.

2Modify the diet

Long-term hormone content with high food enterprises or eat out of season fruit, easy to produce affect the patient endocrine, so that the level of metabolic ability to develop abnormal androgen secretion increased, body hair natural time increased, more and more dense.

If you want to slow down the growth of body hair, you should modify your daily diet, eat less food with high hormone content, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and supplement with protein or other nutrients on a regular basis, which is more beneficial to your health and slows down the growth of skin hair.

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