for you to help you have a clean and hygienic living space

Joan 15 2023-05-12 Hot Topic

for you to help you have a clean and hygienic living space

Thinking is the first step to decluttering.

Our home is like a big sink. When we buy something, it is the water that flows in, and when we throw it away, donate it or sell it, it is the water that flows out. If the sink only goes in and out, the result is an unbearable scene. To stop this from happening, we need to take a look at all the objects in our homes. The author, who is a very emotional thinker, advocates respect for self-experience. The idea of respecting the value of the objects themselves. All the "unpleasant, inappropriate, unwanted" things are self-experiences.

From the moment of production, objects have to be used, decorated and other specific values. The idea is given in the text that if there are too many objects to handle, everyone is reduced from being the master to being the slave of the object, and only when the objects are reduced to a manageable amount does one become the master of the object again. The initial stage of the process is to be able to keep the objects that suit you, that you want, that you are comfortable with. The advanced stage is to select the objects carefully, to master them and make friends with them. The advanced stage is about getting the most out of the objects and using them to their full potential. To achieve these stages, the first step is to think mindfully about the true connection between the Self and the objects, and to select them.

The first category is old and worn objects, like the old and ill-fitting clothes of the young king at the beginning of the story.

The second category is objects that are valuable and worth preserving, such as photographs.

The third category is objects that carry love but are not used, which are most likely to make people want to let go of their love. When Mr Hiroki was hospitalised and had to undergo surgery, he received a thousand paper cranes from a colleague. Since he recovered from the operation, he has kept the cranes at home in front of his bed, where they have long been piled up with dust. According to him, he looks at them every night and falls asleep. He said that the paper cranes were full of memories, so he could not throw them away. But even so, looking at the cranes endlessly only reinforces the impression small portable vacuum cleaner that he is "very sick, very sick". This is not a good and positive emotion.

The fourth category is a collection of free and discounted items that are new but not used or used up in real life, such as boxes of disposable chopsticks.

The final category is a collection of very fine, high-end items that are not used because they are in the home for the same purpose and have not yet been destroyed.

Once we have sorted out all the items, the second part of the decluttering process begins.

It all starts with throwing things away

The first category is typically useless objects, those that are broken should be thrown away and those that are old and still usable should be donated to needy areas if you feel bad about throwing them away.

The second type of object is very precious and we need to decorate it beautifully, putting all kinds of photos in beautiful albums and awards in beautiful folders, in short, storing them while always thinking about beauty and tidiness.

The third category of objects, although they may be valuable to keep, are in fact not very useful. Like the aforementioned thousand paper cranes when you are ill, or the various octavo boxes you receive on your birthday, what you really treasure is the blessings that are bestowed on them from family, lovers and friends. But the truth is that these objects are stored away in a corner until they are cleaned one day and then remembered.

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