"Experienced" laser hair removal, to tell you what kind of experience it is?

Angelia 16 2023-02-27 Hot Topic

Many seekers have

Summer is approaching, and I'm not sure if your arms and legs will be revealed; look at other people's smooth dermes medilaseskin, and aren't you doubly envious of it?

Don't tell me you're ready to remove the hair of the eighteen arts, including knife scraping, tweezers plucking, waxing, and hair removal cream...... Can you say you're going out? These methods are not only dangerous, but also incomplete! They are now using laser to permanently remove hairs!

So the question is, how is the laser hair removal procedure in the end? What kind of encounter is it? A lot of girls who want to do but also look forward to laser hair removal always have such and such questions, so today I gathered some laser hair removal "past" diary, to help still wait and see the sister answer questions.

1.Does laser hair removal cause pain?

Although it is laser and does not require surgery, many people are still concerned about the "pain" associated with this problem. Is laser hair removal painful?

"Laser hair removal right armpit when almost no pain, left and right armpit deep place slightly feel a little pain, which kind of very slight can tolerate the feeling of something drill a little, the doctor said many people are left side feel pain than the right side, specific what principle forget, but said quite reasonable, in short, my not at all pain."

To be honest, there are many sensory nerves surrounding each hair follicle, and in order to achieve a good treatment effect, the hair follicle must receive enough laser energy irradiation, so some pain is normal. During laser hair removal, the doctor will usually ask how you are feeling and adjust the various laser parameters based on your feedback and treatment response. However, girls who are afraid of pain should not be alarmed; the pain is completely tolerable, similar to a tiny pinprick or the sensation of rubber bands playing on the skin.

2.can laser hair removal be done only once?

Laser hair removal is not like surgery; can it be completely removed? Many seekers have asked such a question since the clinic's implementation.

"The doctor advised that the next interval of one month, to follow the hair growth cycle, so that 3-4 times almost completely removed."

Because there are three stages of hair growth cycle: anagen, resting, and regression, only when the hair follicle is in the anagen phase will the hair dermes medilasefollicle have a large number of pigment particles present to absorb a large enough amount of laser light to destroy the hair follicle. To completely remove clean hair in the stationary and regressive phases, the hair must wait until the anagen phase develops and then undergo laser treatment (according to the location of the hair, thickness, color, etc. to determine the specific number of treatments).

3.How long does a laser hair removal procedure take?

The majority of those who can benefit from laser hair removal are white-collar workers in general. They have a fast-paced lifestyle and a tight schedule, so the time of laser hair removal is often very important to them.

"Laser hair removal for both sides of the armpits in about ten minutes, very fast."

"The doctor said the general part is also about 10 minutes, but the hairline is a special position, so it took half an hour."

Laser hair removal is very convenient and quick; the laser hair removal will prepare the skin of the hair removal site before beginning treatment; generally, small areas of laser hair removal take 10 minutes (such as armpit hair, lip hair, etc.), more complex parts (such as hairline, bikini, etc.), and large areas (full arm, full leg, etc.) will take longer.

4.Can the laser be used to remove any part of the hair?

Common laser hair removal can remove hair from underarms, lips, arms, and legs, but I'm curious if it can also remove hair from the front hairline, back hairline, and sideburns.

"I had laser hair removal for my armpit hair, which is the most common, and I also enjoyed the hospital's discount, so I really felt like I earned it."

"My front hairline hair is very broken and small, as well as very fine and soft; I thought I couldn't do hair removal, but after consulting with the doctor, he said I could, so I'm relieved."

Laser can remove hair from any part of the body, though the number of times it must be removed varies depending on the area, such as lip hair, dermes medilasearmpit hair, arm hair, hand hair, front hairline, back hairline, sideburn hair, back hair, bikini, thigh hair, calf hair, toe hair, and 30 other areas.

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